
(A British Overseas Territory)

In 1931, the Bata company penetrated the local market with the export of 600 pairs of shoes, and Bata shoes gained a strong position here. In 1962, two companies were included in the list of Bata companies historically existing here: Western Investment & Trading Co., Limited (Bermuda); Northern Investment Co., Limited (Bermuda).


  • Z. Pokluda – J. Herman – M. Balaban, Baťa na všech kontinentech, Zlín 2020, ISBN 978-80-7454-928-1
  • Thomas J. Bata, Remmembered, Zlín 2016, ISBN 978-80-7473-398-7
  • Moravský zemský archiv v Brně – Státní okresní archiv Zlín, Česko