In 1931, the Bata company exported 2,000 pairs of shoes to the island; after a recession of several years, exports resumed (1,000 pairs in 1936), and Bata shoes gained a strong position on the local market. In 1937, 1 Bata store was in operation there, and this situation did not change until 1947. In the following years, the operation of the corporate store continued (1978).
- Z. Pokluda – J. Herman – M. Balaban, Baťa na všech kontinentech, Zlín 2020, ISBN 978-80-7454-928-1
- Martin Jemelka – Ondřej Ševeček, Tovární města Baťova koncernu, Praha 2016, 910 s. ISBN 978-80-200-2635-4
- Moravský zemský archiv v Brně – Státní okresní archiv Zlín, Česko