
Since the spring of 1931, Bata owned a store and a sister company in the country. The company business continued smoothly over the following decades.

  • In the spring of 1931, Tomas Bata founded a sister company Chaussures Bata S. A., Luxembourg
  • In the first half of 1931, two shops were opened – Luxembourg; Esch-sur-Alzette
  • Around 1940, the sister company Transocéanique S.A. Luxembourg was established
  • 1962 – The following companies were registered in the list of existing Bata companies for the territory of Luxembourg: Chaussures Bata S.A. (Luxemburg) and  Transoceanique S. A. (Luxembourg)
  • In 1992,  the Chaussures Bata S.A., Luxembourg operated in the country.


  • Bohumil Lehár, Dějiny Baťova koncernu, Praha 1960
  • Martin Marek, Zasutá minulost? Baťův koncern ve střední Evropě za druhé světové války, In: Hospodářské dějiny, 27/2, Praha 2012, s. 191-232.
  • Jaroslav Pospíšil – Hubert Valášek – Hana Pospíšilová, Herr direktor a ti druzí, Zlín 2015, ISBN 978-80-7473-269-0
  • Thomas J. Bata, Remmembered, Zlín 2016, ISBN 978-80-7473-398-7
  • Moravský zemský archiv v Brně – Státní okresní archiv Zlín, Česko